Rozžiarte svoj svet odtieňmi žltej

Žltá farba je tvorcom atmosféry. V porovnaní s inými farbami má jedinečný potenciál oživiť a rozžiariť akýkoľvek priestor. Je však natoľko dominantná a výrazná, že by sa s ňou malo zaobchádzať opatrne a s rozvahou. Zatiaľ čo jemné odtiene žltej môžeme použiť aj na väčšie plochy – ideálne na steny, výrazná žltá najlepšie vynikne na menších kúskoch nábytku – akými sú komody, stoličky, alebo obrazy. Prinášame vám niekoľko inšpirácií, ako môžete vniesť do vášho interiéru energiu horúceho leta, optimizmu a nekončiacej mladosti.

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (35)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (36)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (37)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (38)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (39)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (40)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (41)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (42)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (43)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (44)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (45)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (46)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (47)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (48)Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (49)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (50)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (51)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture projects-www.homesthetics (53)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture Ideas-www.homesthetics (1)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture Ideas-www.homesthetics (34)

Paint Your World With Yellow Furniture Ideas-www.homesthetics (35)

zdroj: homestics


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